[LargeFormat] No humor? Ho Ho Ho !

Paul Butzi largeformat@f32.net
Sat Dec 20 14:12:33 2003

>  A.        So these three large format camera owners - one has a Linhof,
> one
> has a Deardorff, and one has a Tachihara - walk into a bar and the
> bartender
> says....

"Sorry, boys.  The bar is closed.  We just had the piano player killed by a
panda that had some sorry line about how a pandas eats,  shoots,  and

>  B.       Then there is the blonde whose Sinar breaks down on a country
> road
> and down the road comes Bubba. He leans out of his pickup and says....
"Hey, mama, are you game?" and when the blonde answers (in a very sultry
voice) "Why, yes, I'm game" he takes down his shotgun from the rack and
shoots her.

>   C.    " Please Teacher ", says Little Moritz, " I have to take my
> Graflex
> out and ...."

extend the bellows so I can check for pinhole leaks.
