[LargeFormat] No humor? Ho Ho Ho !

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Sat Dec 20 00:26:01 2003

Dear Nieces and Nephews,

 A.        So these three large format camera owners - one has a Linhof, one
has a Deardorff, and one has a Tachihara - walk into a bar and the bartender

 B.       Then there is the blonde whose Sinar breaks down on a country road
and down the road comes Bubba. He leans out of his pickup and says....

  C.    " Please Teacher ", says Little Moritz, " I have to take my Graflex
out and ...."

    These are the three setup lines for the Uncle Dick Large Format Ho Ho Ho
competition. The competition runs until Boxing Day - to give time for
eggnog-driven entries to be submitted. The object of the competition is to
complete the joke with the best punchline. You may enter A., B., or C.
division or all three and you may enter as many times as you wish.

     The contest will be judged by me as soon as I can think straight after
spending the holiday season with various friends and relatives and I will
award three prizes for the funniest lines. Those of you who know me from the
Hasselblad list or Pure-Silver know that I do indeed deliver on prizes - and
as there is no entry fee other than good humour you can look forward to
something nice from Australia.

    So go to it. It is far too early for cabin fever to set in. Enjoy the

    Uncle Dick