[LargeFormat] It's only a matter of time before another photo opportunity is gone forever...

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Thu Dec 18 01:38:07 2003

I guess it's only a matter of time before this respected and ancient 
sport is banned most everywhere.  Luckily, my province has not yet 
eliminated my next challenge as a LF shooter.  If Uncle Dick can do 
Belly Dancers, why can't I shoot these guys?  I dare say it makes the 
'shooting wildlife with LF' thread of several weeks ago look like childs 
play.  In Ontario, it's a sad day for both spectators and athletes...


Sorry, this list has been TOO quiet lately...

Best of the season to all of you!  If Santa can't bring you new glass, 
perhaps he could refill the one in your hand ;-)
