[LargeFormat] Compound Shutters

LNphoto largeformat@f32.net
Fri Dec 5 21:32:06 2003

On Friday, December 5, 2003, at 05:37  PM, Wilkes, Don MSER:EX wrote:

>> glass. So, your mid-teens or early 1920's Tessar may be as
>> good as much modern stuff.
> When I first started shooting LF again, after an absence of more than 
> 15
> years, I thought this lens was discouragingly unsharp.  I'd hold a 
> print up
> close, and the definition just wasn't what I recalled from my old kit. 
>  Then
> I held the print out at arm's length one day -- whoa! That's better!

I had a slightly different experience of time passing. During a 
progress photography job I had gotten discouraged with Tmax 100 after 
using it for 3 or 4 years.  I was shooting with a Hassy in daylight and 
from all the reviews of tmax I should be getting "Large 
format-grainless" 8x10 prints and I didn't think they were as sharp and 
grainless as they should be.

Then I went back an printed a favorite print that had been shot on 
Tri-x on 35mm.  WHOA!!!  I looked at that neg though the grain focuser 
and it looked like  old Recording Film developed in Dektol straight!  
After printing that neg, the Tmax looked incredibly sharp and grainless 
