[LargeFormat] FW: Found: Nikkor LF website

Jim Hemenway largeformat@f32.net
Sat Nov 22 12:16:18 2003

Go on with you!

Are you not a dentist?

Just fill some extra teeth on Saturday mornings for awhile.

Jim, "should have been a dentist or a lawyer" Hemenway

rstein wrote:
> Dear Nephew Timothy,
>      Your Uncle Dick is very angry at you. You have done a bad thing. You
> have ignited the fire in the dragon of desire and covetousness and sent it
> flying over Uncle Dick's house. Now he is possessed by the need - the
> absolute cast-iron need - to add  75mm and  240mm  Nikkor lenses to the LF
> equipment that he already owns. This will mean much sacrifice and hardship
> amongst the rest of the family. They will remember you and will wreak a
> terrible revenge when they get their hands on you which is not likely to be
> soon, seeing as all the travel money will be spent on lenses.
>      Hoping this finds you as it leaves me.
>     Uncle Dick
