[LargeFormat] R[ites of passag]e

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Sun Nov 16 00:00:25 2003


This is actually a fairly simple shot to take, once you get the camera 
focused!!  It was completely dark, no streetlights, passing cars or even 
starlight to work with.  I shone a flashlight at what I thought should 
be the subject and focused.  Shutter open on 'B', I walked along the 
road just out of view to the left and popped the flash a few times.  I 
set the flash based on my aperture, film speed and estimated distance to 
the subject, then just tried it a few times.  The other frames weren't 
illuminated in a way I liked as much as this one, so were banished to 
the negative binder for all time.  The print of the fence was just a 
little bland, so I shot the moon later and printed the two images onto 
the same sheet, with a little masking, dodging and burning.

I may go back again some time and try this again.  I think the fence is 
still there.  And maybe I'll save my time and do the combining in Photoshop!

And Stuart, there almost was a body in the image! ;-)


Vincent Dobson wrote:

>This print is one of my favorites.  Did you give, if not please, exposure
>details.  How did you do the foreground lighting.  I'm sorry if this was
>answered and I missed it, there were a lot of forward arrows and a lot of
>response showing to w=obscure your info.  I did love the story also.
>Vince Dobson
>Visions In Nature
>:>-----Original Message-----
>:>From: largeformat-admin@f32.net [mailto:largeformat-admin@f32.net]On
>:>Behalf Of stuart phillips
>:>Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 7:10 AM
>:>To: largeformat@f32.net
>:>Subject: Re: [LargeFormat] R[ites of passag]e
>:>I like this picture very much; certainly worth all of the hassle with the
>:>locals!  It reminds me of a crime-scene photograph with the body missing -
>:>the kind taken with flash bulbs and a large stand camera (how
>LargeFormat mailing list