[LargeFormat] CLS 301 cooling advice needed

Alexander Selzer largeformat@f32.net
Mon Nov 3 16:24:19 2003

Hi Alex!

Am Mon, 3 Nov 2003 12:16:42 +0100
schrieb Alex Le Heux <alexlh@funk.org>:

> One of the fans in the cooling box of my CLS301 has broken down. 

I have a Fan 300 with my CLS300 (the 2x1000W version of your 2x300W head)
and had the same problem. I replaced the motors by new ones. First I tried
to use 2 axial fans (with about 300 mē/h each), but they did not brought
enough pressure to push the air trough the head. So I strongly recommend
to use radial fans.

If it says 180 mē/h on your fan than this is meant without any resistance
(hoses, CLS301, ...).

Alexander Selzer