[LargeFormat] Wisner 4x5 Technical Field for sale (for sale friday!)

Paul Butzi largeformat@f32.net
Fri Oct 31 11:00:44 2003

I've got a Wisner 4x5 TF that I'd be happy to sell.  It's
been sitting idle for quite some time (since I bought a
Linhof Technikardan, actually) in the vain hope that one of
my kids would get bitten by the LF bug.

It's time to get this nice camera into the hands of someone
who will use it.

The camera is in fine shape.  However, it has actually been
used to make photographs outdoors, so it's not in flawless
condition.  In particular, there is some discoloration of
the brasswork.

Photos of the camera are available at

The photos have been photoshopped slightly to make the
defects *more* visible.

Camera has the standard bellows.  It comes with three
lensboards and a padded blue Gara Gear case.

I'm thinking that US $1000 is about right.
