[LargeFormat] Compressed Air

Vincent Dobson largeformat@f32.net
Thu Oct 16 20:48:13 2003

 I guess I did not properly develop my Puffing skills - I was always a Blast
man myself.  I could not get that many holders I'm sure and I remember if
you blast them too much a liquid came out?

With the small emergency pumps there was never much danger from oil.  I took
one apart one day and found that the spark from the car battery agitated a
mouse that then jumped up and down on a rubber bladder.

Vince Dobson
Visions In Nature

:>-----Original Message-----
:>From: largeformat-admin@f32.net [mailto:largeformat-admin@f32.net]On
:>Behalf Of Jim Hemenway
:>Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 4:00 PM
:>To: largeformat@f32.net
:>Subject: [LargeFormat] Compressed Air
:>Dear Vincent, "Charlton Heston" Dobson:
:> > They'll have to pry my enlarger from my grasp to make me fit
:>in my coffin! <
:>Puh-puh-Please don't point that air gun at me, I was just kidding!
:>I'd still have to buy a compressor with an oil-less filter in order to
:>fill the 7 gallon tank, which I'd also have to buy.  I get the canned
:>air twice a year for around $2.00 a can... I buy a bunch of them then,
:>at a local camera show.
:>I've never checked but I think that I must get about 20-30 film holders
:>per can.  I only blast them with a lot of air when I first get the
:>holders, after that it's a light "puff" when loading 'em.
:>Jim "Puffdaddy" Hemenway