[LargeFormat] Suggestions for Fall Color - Columbus to Chicago

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Wed Oct 8 12:44:04 2003

Wonderful story Verna!!! I hope you know just how lucky you are!



At 07:11 PM 10/7/2003 -0600, Verna Knapp wrote:

>Saturday I took it up into the Rocky Mountains to shoot fall colors. At 
>the first stop, a painter stopped to talk to me and told me of his 
>favorite place to get *into* the aspens. After packing up my gear, I tried 
>to follow his directions.

<big snip>

>  I pulled
>into a campsite on the other side of some rocks, and did some 
>exploring.The big pile of rocks was gorgeous. Lichens and various colored 
>up bushes growing out of it. I got my 4x5 out and made a number of 
>exposures. Because of the shadow patterns I kept waiting for the sun to go 
>behind clouds. I even found a use for my wide angle lens, and darned near 
>wrapped the camera around a tree while trying to shoot along a rock face 
>with tiny bushes growing out of it. This was an all out photo trance. I 
>never did get into the grove of aspen. I stopped when I ran out of film, 
>then decided to go home and sleep in my own bed, though the camp site was 
>a lovely one, and I'll probably use it in the future. Still, there was no 
>point in staying for the morning light, as I didn't have the film to take 
>advantage of it.

<big snip>

>The Rockies are amazingly beautiful and amazingly rough. I love them.