[LargeFormat] Batches*

philip lambert largeformat@f32.net
Sat Sep 20 06:56:12 2003

Dear Uncle Dick,,
I just had a thought (that's the second today- I am so glad I joined this

If you are happy with 5x7 why don't you use a 35mmSLR?   I get sharp
handheld 9x6inch prints from my Nikon & zoom using 400 ISO Fuji neg.  If you
use such a camera with 100 ISO on a tripod your results will be very sharp
indeed. It's not quite the thing to say on an LF group but business dear
Uncle is business...Philip

>     As it happened, I was engaged in a bit of juggling myself at the time.
> have just bought a Super Rollex back for my Linhof E from the eBay and I
> using it for the 2004 calendar illustrations. Ever so much cheaper film
> costs than 4 x 5 sheet - I get 8 shots for $ 8 versus 8 shots for $ 40 -
> at a final print size of 5 x 7 the quality is more than adequate.