[LargeFormat] aero ektar

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Tue Aug 5 06:56:00 2003

>Thanks for all your replies.
>I tried the lens on a sinar with some close ups and the results did not
>disappointed me .Allthough the lens still has the original cameras metal
>cone attached to it so it it is about 5 inch in front of the lensboards
>there for causing a very short extension and also vignetting with even
>little movements.
>Some tries are here
>simon jessurun,amsterdam,the netherlands

Hello Simon,

It is a little hard to tell much about the quality of the images 
given the jpeg compression, however the lens seems to be performing 
well. Have you compared the performance with any of your other lenses?

There should be room for some movements - probably a good idea to 
dispose of the extension tube.
