[LargeFormat] BW 4x5 processing

Craig Koshyk largeformat@f32.net
Thu Jul 17 08:44:02 2003

>  We used to have a wonderful store here in my hometown of London, 
> Ontario,

We have a wonderful store here in Winnipeg. Photo Central (204) 
774-4343 still has a fairly large selection of darkroom products 
including Agfa papers (RC+FB) and films (4x5 on the shelves!). I can 
buy two kinds of selenium toner (Kodak and Berg), Agfa Viradon, Kodak 
and Ilford papers, tongs, trays, and even blotter books! In fact the 
boys at the store have told me that there has been a slight increase in 
darkroom sales in the last year or two. I like to think it is because 
of the large number of students taking darkroom courses at my school ;)

The owner of Photo Central, Dick Toews, knows LF and is in fact 
mounting a lens onto an old lensboard for me this week. He is also 
quite a Leica-phile and knows knows Hasselblad/Mamiya/Pentax MF stuff 
inside out.

Of course their digital section is growing but not, it seems, at the 
expense of the darkroom section.

The situation in Toronto is, I must say, quite depressing. 8 Elm is the 
only place I now visit when I am there. It has a great selection of 
film and paper but boy I miss the old place....they actually used to 
STOCK Lotus view cameras! They also had a bit of a gallery where I once 
saw a stunning exhibition of platinum/palladium prints by Kerik Kouklis.