[LargeFormat] WTB: Brave rear element

Dave Hornford largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jun 27 18:58:01 2003

Ad reads: Lonely front element of a Fujinon 90 SW f/8 is looking for a new

Was he pushed or did he jump? The full story may never come out.
Rumour is swirling the camera kit bag. Did the  Sinar push, did the Fujinon
rear element  jump (perhaps tired of a life in the dark), or was the rear
element merely an innocent bystander? No one is sure. That the front element
was wearing a crash helmet at the time of the incident is fuelling

In the end after a short fall the rear element had a scarring encounter with
an otherwise unobtrusive piece of sandstone. Angry bystanders did insist on
relocating the sandstone from an otherwise interesting hoodoo formation in
Writing-on-stone Provincial Park to the Milk river. Insiders tell us that
after quietly resting in one spot for up to 50 million years the sandstone
taken on a new life of travel, and may even leave Canada for a trip down the
Mississippi to the Gulf.

The front element can be reached at dave@qillaq.com

regards Dave