[LargeFormat] Test

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jun 18 20:11:38 2003

At 4:21 pm -0700 18/6/03, Richard Knoppow wrote:
>No traffic for days.


There have been messages every day but it all went rather quiet at 
the beginning of the week. I assumed that it was due to everyone 
rushing into the darkroom with some of the film burned in the good 
weather over the weekend.....

If you are ever concerned that your Email is not getting through then 
simply check the archives to make sure that all the posts have made 
it through your ISP.

Talking of testing, I tried out an old Turner Reich 8x10 convertible 
yesterday as I had finished fettling a 5x7 monorail and wanted to 
check it out for ease of use with the movements. The camera lens 
board just happened to have a betax #4 flange on it :-)  I had a 
rather pleasant suprise - it is certainly better than a similar lens 
used on an 8x10 here.  High res and good contrast. I was so suprised 
that it had the pleasure of a sheet of 4x5 provia just to see how 
well it copes with colour when unconverted. When I get the chance to 
develop the film will report back.

I know that they are not your favorite lens but then again it was 
being used in its sweet spot.
