[LargeFormat] about to take the jump

William Wiseman largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jun 13 01:10:01 2003

>  Jeff:
>  To supplement others' comments,
> You don't say what other media you've used.  Whatever you've done, 
> large
> format photography is far more expensive.  The cost of the camera is 
> only a
> small part of the cost.  You'll need a lens with shutter.  Minimum 
> $300.
> Then there's the tripod.  You need a sturdy one with a sturdy head:
> $100-$200.  Then the film ($1-$2 a sheet) and processing (about $3 a 
> sheet).
> Just be aware of what you're in for.
> Ebay is a mixed blessing.  I recommend that you find a repair shop 
> that you
> trust, have them evaluate the camera, and make sure that the seller
> guarantees the camera's quality.  I had what I thought was a nice deal 
> on a
> Linhof Color for $275, but Marflex said it would cost $200 to repair 
> it.
> Back it went.
> I prefer dealing directly with shops.  Fortunately, I live in NYC where
> there are plenty: PhotoGizzmo, B&H, PhotoHabitat, Lens and Repro, 
> Adorama.
> Long distance, there's Badger and the guy in Pennsylvania.  These 
> places
> usually have entry level cameras and will provide support.  Most 
> important,
> you can handle the camera and determine if you're comfortable with it. 
>  You
> can't do that with an eBay camera.  Unless you know a lot about LF (and
> enough to ask the right questions of an eBay seller), eBay is not a 
> good
> idea.


I had dabbled in 35mm off and on for 20 years until about 4 years ago. 
At that point I decided to get a bit more serious and moved into medium 
format. I use a Mamiya M645 or Yashica-Mat as my everyday camera now 
and almost never use the 35mm stuff. ( Need a good Pentax ZX-5n :-) ) I 
also have a Kiev 88 kit that I use if I want 6x6 and interchangeable 
lenses. I have also learned a little camera repair dealing with the 
K88's. :-0

I'm in good shape for tripods with a Slik 700DX (HD 3-way and ball 
head) and I have been given an old aluminum surveyor's tripod that I 
can convert temporally if I find the 700DX to be unstable. But since it 
holds the 10.5 pound K88, 2x converter and 250mm tele stable in the 
Texas breeze, I don't expect it to be a problem.

As for processing, I will be doing about 90% B&W and have access to a 
darkroom and enlarger. I am also in the process of permanently 
converting an extra bathroom into a darkroom. So this is not a major 

I have purchased most of my medium format stuff through ebay and had 
good luck over the last for years. I don't risk money on new sellers 
unless the price is low enough that a bad deal doesn't hurt. I also try 
and do lots of research, or ask questions in groups like this, before I 
make a purchase. Locally, there is NOTHING available. I live in Waco, 
Texas and the nearest stores that carry much are 100 and 250 miles away 
and both have hours that make it difficult for me. So, dealing directly 
with local shops is out. :-(

So, with the information and answers I have gotten here, the research 
to this point and a little good luck, I'm going to muddle my way 
through this. And thanks to EVERYONE for the answers and help to this 
