[LargeFormat] Polaroid film/ My first photos

largeformat@f32.net largeformat@f32.net
Mon May 26 16:56:37 2003


This made me laugh... very funny!  I have a LOT of curly hair and it tends to 
get tangled in things but worse is when I loose things like spot tone brushes 
in it.


<< Could be. I am of the female persuasion, and have long hair. It is worst 
of all when I have my hair braided. Those of you who have naturally 
"shaved" heads or very short hair (like my sister-in-law, who wears a 
burr cut) should be just fine with it.


Stuart Phillips wrote:

> I suppose it depends on the amount of hair. Perhaps it should be advertized
> as a "male-only" hood? I've been shaving since I was 14 and it works great
> for me. >>