[LargeFormat] pure-silver/ Goat girl

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Tue May 20 11:58:00 2003

At 11:42 AM 5/20/2003 -0400, AhYouBecky@aol.com wrote:

>Uncle Dickie, Shame on you!!
>I did't even get to introduce myself before you start with your "goat girl"
>comments!! Grrrrr .... We really need to see a Dr. about the meds your one.
>You might be in need of a change.

Hey Becky Lynn...

There is NO escape from "UNK". Whether it be Leica, Hasselblad, Pure 
Silver, or Large Format, he's there.

He's probably not on the Rollei list as Marc Small would have tossed him by 
now...  ;-)

Anyway, all of UNK's chatter about some big thing he has is probably bunk. 
I think he calls it a Shin Hoe, or something like that. Why would anyone 
name something Shin Hoe? Anyway, besides using x-ray film in it, no one's 
ever seen it, so I believe it can be chalked-up to, as you say, bad meds.

I think UNK really needs some help!

Nefu Jimmy