[LargeFormat] pure-silver

Jim Hemenway largeformat@f32.net
Mon May 12 17:16:03 2003

Har, har, har! 

A little defensive are we?

It couldn't be that certain folks can't handle color... could it? :)


Jim - http://www.hemenway.com

Kent Gibbs wrote:
> Would be hand coloring?

Stuart Phillips wrote:
> They don't call him Jim "Marshall" Hemenway for nothing.

Stuart Phillips also pontificated:
> I'm sorry Jim but colour was good while it lasted. Now it's mostly for food
> and product jobs:) (You're moving into the Taco Transparency filed, right?)
> All the experimentation's been done and now it's just size. Black and
> White's really where it's at, oh and the alt processes. Persevere with those
> paper negatives:)