[LargeFormat] Help with interpretating film speed test

LauvoneT largeformat@f32.net
Mon Apr 21 14:50:35 2003


I have just run a test on Ilford FP4+ developed in
Perceptol 1:3 for 14.5 minutes at 75 degrees.  The
agitation was constant shuffling in the tray, two
sheets were all that was developed.

I read an unexposed but developed sheet.  The reading
was .11

so far so good, but the next densities ran .33, .54,
.75, .95

This is a density change of about .20 per stop.  Now,
my question is this, should it be .20 above base for
the first step??  Should I redo the test?? Or is this
good results for that film, developer combination??

Some advice from you experienced densitometer folks
will be greatly appreciated.

OH, I rated the film at 125 for the first shot, then
opened up for each succeeding shot. Shutter speed was
kept the same, the F stop was changed.

Thanks for any advice, help.



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