[LargeFormat] 8x10 Enlarger

LauvoneT largeformat@f32.net
Sun Apr 13 12:10:07 2003

Hi Jim,

I do have the enlarger set up, I had to do a little
work on it because the locks to hold the lens stage
and head stage didn't work.  Someone put the wrong
size type bolts in it.

It took me a while to get it together, not because it
was that hard, but because I had to move lots of
things out of the darkroom to make room for it.   My
son machined the lens plate now it works fine.

I haven't made any prints yet, I had been using a
makeshift film dryer, so since I was upgrading, I
built a new one, which can hold over 25 rolls of 35mm,
or the same of 120, or probably 4 dozen sheets of 4x5
or 2 dozen sheets of 8x10.  I put a timer and a light
bulb on it to help dry the film quicker.  Very seldom
am I in a hurry on the film drying, so I didn't worry
about adding a fan for drying quicker.

I have the enlarger plumbed, squared and level at all
stages.  One more thing I am going to do is strap it
to the wall of the darkroom in order to make it more
stable, whether it really needs it or not.

I am going out with the 8x10 this afternoon, shooting
some FP4+.  I plan on using Perceptol 1:3 as mentioned
in Barry Thorntons book, Elements.

I plan on shooting 3 or 4 sheets of the same scene and
developing for what I figure is N-1, N and N+1 times,
to see which works best in the print.

I am also going to Howard Bonds printing class next
month, hope to see a big imporvement after that class.

The Rodenstock Rodagon 240 5.6 lense that came with
the enlarger is just like new, not a scratch nor ding
on it anywhere.  I am sure it is a superb lens and
that I will be happy with it.

OH, it isn't as heave dissasembled as I though.  I
carried all the enlarger inside by myself, except the
8 ft column, and that was because it was awkard, not
because of the weight.  And, nope, I am not a he man
(:>)  Durn it!!, just a 58 year old regular person.

After I have time to do some prints, I will report
back and let folks know how it does.

Thanks for asking.



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