[LargeFormat] Ultrabiglargeformatcamera

Jim Hemenway largeformat@f32.net
Wed Mar 5 19:50:06 2003


I was offered one like this about 2 years ago.  It was mounted from the
ceiling and the back of it was built into the darkroom.  

I had thoughts of buying a used panel truck, mounting the camera inside
and then driving to places like the mountains and then shooting with the
back doors opened onto a vista.

Eventually I came to my better senses.

But this one is so pretty, that I think that I would go get it if it was
here instead of across the pond.

Jim - http://www.hemenway.com
Massachusetts, USA

Huib Smeets wrote:
> Hi,
> Who thinks that he has out-grown his 20x24" camera???
> In a german newsgroup someone is offering a LF camera for free see:
> http://www.englers-welt.de/grosskamera/grosskamera.html
> It was used to make reproductions.
> If nobody wants it, it will be moved to the junkyard and it will be
> destroyed.
> Some spec's: negativesize: 1mtrx1mtr (40"x40")
> extension 8 to 10 meters (24' - 30')
> Huib
> http://home.plex.nl/~hsmeets