[LargeFormat] 58mm S.Angulon

philip.lambert largeformat@f32.net
Fri Feb 14 14:06:01 2003

Absolutely correct. Sorry I wasted your time.  On re-checking the offer it's
a 58mm Linhof Technikon weitwinkel, wonder if it isn't Schneider at all but
Rodenstock  (did anybody else make LF lenses in Germany?).  Thanks all the
same. Must search on Rodenstock. Philip

> I"m not aware of an old 58mm Super angulon.  Rodenstock made a 58mm
> Grandagon for the XL line of cameras from Graflex.Inc.  If you can get
> back to the home page from the URL  look at the line of silver buttons. At
> the right there's a button that says "INFO".  that's where they hide the
> data for older Angulons Xenars, etc.