[LargeFormat] it's a real grind

philip.lambert largeformat@f32.net
Fri Feb 14 12:24:01 2003

You may remember I was asking for advice about ground glass to replace the
missing focussing back on one of my Century Graphics and was told I should
grind my own with 600 grit, This worked out quite well. Subsequently I
imported a pair of fresnel screen bookmarks for not much from the Far East
and cut one down to fit on the viewer's side of  the ground glass that I had
inserted on the film plane in a cut film magazine.
I had lightly smeared the ground glass with vaseline, rubbed most of it off
and ended up with a bright focussing screen which moves in and out of focus
with great clarity.  Not as good as the latest LF screens but cheap and
easily replaced if I drop it.
When compared with an original C Graphic focussing screen the position of
focus seems to differ a trifle but it's not a scientific experiment.
Exposing at f11 the results look sharp.
My thanks to fellow contributors.  Philip