[LargeFormat] Input on buying an 8x10 enlarger

Charles Thorsten largeformat@f32.net
Mon Feb 3 15:58:18 2003

Most 8x10 enlargers are going to be monsters, as you
probably know.  I almost got a very nice Fotar vertical
8x10 for my lab a year ago (another lab was shutting down)
but it just wouldn't fit anywhere!  

If space is a concern, and if you're only doing B&W, you
might consider a Beseler 45MX chassis with the 8x10
cold light head conversion.  It makes a very compact
setup, and with a 240mm lens, I believe you can go up 
to 20x24 (you might need a drop-table for this though).

Otherwise check out local pro labs that are switching all
their equipment to digital.  They'll usually be quite happy
to get rid of their large optical equipment for reasonable
prices.  I almost got that motorized Fotar with colorhead
and a 30 inch roll paper easel for $2000!  It just wouldn't
fit anywhere....damn damn damn.....
