[LargeFormat] uncle Dicks wish list

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jan 29 11:10:48 2003

On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 07:40 AM, Arie wrote:

>   The contents make great mixers for cocktails after a sesion in the
> darkroom.
> Nephew Arie

The Catholics have their Pope. I got to meet Yosef Karsh when I was with a 
group of students in college.  He told us back during prohibition, he 
worked for a photographer that kept his clientele by keeping a vast store 
of very good bootleg and imported spirits... and he kept the spirits from 
the revenuers by keeping them in chemical bottles.  Gin was kept in a 
heavy glass bottle embossed with "Sulphuric Acid  H2SO4". Vodka was in the 
same type of bottle labeled 'Glacial Acetic acid"on it. The real Glacial 
acetic acid was kept in the very back of the cupboard, which is where Izzy 
and Moe would start their search for the "evil drink'.  Once they opened 
the bottle and took a good hard snort, they pretty much left young Yousef 
and his boss alone.