[LargeFormat] Introductions

philip.lambert largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jan 28 09:12:00 2003

Dear Uncle Dick. It is probably safe to go back now; after all the stuff had
a halflife of only forty years.   It was obviously a misunderstanding.
They just didn't know what you meant by radium -developing a large format.
----- Original Message -----
From: "rstein" <rstein@bigpond.net.au>
> My Dear Nanson,
>      I am not a castoff from the British Isles. I am a castoff from
> Canada. I was chased out of Alberta and British Columbia by villagers with
> pitchforks and flaming torches.
>     It takes a great deal to be expelled from British Columbia,
> the Kootenay or Quesnel. Ned Kelly would have been perfectly safe - Jesse
> James would have been elected to parliament - Geronimo could have opened a
> sweat-lodge franchise. Me they ran out.
>      Uncle Dick