[LargeFormat] Shen Hao

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 30 10:23:22 2002

On Monday, December 30, 2002, at 05:49 AM, rstein wrote:
>      If I measure the light on the subject as f.8 but want to use f.11 I
> essentially need twice as much light. So if my flashes will not pump out
> more light in one go, I can punch the flash button 2 times  and end up 
> with
> the correct amount?

>     If I want to use f.16 from that same f.8 start point I need to put out
> FOUR times as much light. So I need to punch the flash button 4 times?
> Correct?
>     If I want to use f.22 - from that same f.8 start point - how many 
> times
> should I punch the button? This is all predicated on a still-life subject.
>     This is not a contest - I am just a little dull tonight. Please 
> advise.
>      Uncle Dick

Dear Uncle,

Multiple popping is something like drinking.  Two bottles of wine can be 
twice as much fun as one, and it's possible that 4 bottles of wine can be 
twice as much fun as 2,  But at some point the fun just doesn't double.  
For f22, theory says 8 pops or bottles should do it, but I suspect Tit-x 
is already too intoxicated to have the last few pops have the proper 
effect and it may take one or two more to have the effect desired.

One the other hand, one could suppliment their flash with flash bulbs. 
Since you are hand synchronizing anyway, it should be easy to do. Since 
flashbulbs put out a tremendous amount of light it wouldn't take but one 
or two extra.

Your Nephew
