[LargeFormat] Old LF info requested

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Tue Dec 17 14:02:58 2002

On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 10:39 AM, Jim Hemenway wrote:
> Same for Whatis-2 I would imagine.  A sort of negative carrier which can
> be rotated whilst in the enlarger or copy camera.
> --
> Jim -

Yes.  this is an excellent example of the negative carrier for a "F&S RB 
Enlarging Camera"

The tilt top tripod head goes to what it says, a Crown Compact Stand.  
While they had three legs they were usually called stands  as they had 
columns.  They were something between the boxy studio stand and a 
lightlweight folding tripod.  The color and the name (Graflex Inc.) tells 
me it was made post-'45.  Earlier versions of this had breadboard ends 
while this one is feathered- a less expensive process.  This probably has 
a casting on the bottom designed to fit a round tube. Other styles simply 
have s 1/4 x20  threaded socket to fit a tripod.

The others I'm not sure of