[LargeFormat] Idiot

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 9 17:16:41 2002

At 02:14 PM 12/9/2002 -0500, Hornford, Dave wrote:

>If you are careful & forgetful it is possible to double expose
>QuickLoads. I have also successfully removed the QuickLoad sleeve
>leaving the sheet of film in the holder.

My assistant (my wife) tapes all exposed Quickloads closed (supplied 
EXPOSED label) so that D.E. is virtually impossible.

The way you pull the sleeve off of the film is to put the Quickload in 
backward, lens symbol facing the ground glass. It just slips right off and 
you are standing there feeling like an  "Idiot". Been there, done that, too 
many times!

All eight of my Grafmatics completely lock on "X".

