[LargeFormat] Bloody Clive Again

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Wed Dec 4 11:57:14 2002

Well... I got up this morning at 6am. It was still dark. The sun rise=20
twilight started around 6:30. I could tell that it was going to be another=
miserable day. The sun poked its ugly head over the south-east horizon a=20
little after 7. Sure enough, another day of cloudless deep blue skies.

On the way in to the office, I noticed that many of the trees are just now=
beginning to turn colors. Which means that we have a few more weeks of=20
those brilliant fall colors illuminated by the warm rays of a=20
low-on-the-horizon sun.

It'll get to 67=B0 today. No wind. The forecast has moved the chance of rain=
from Friday to Saturday.
Tomorrow, they'll move it out of the picture.

Oh the misery.


At 05:08 PM 12/4/2002 +0800, rstein wrote:
>Oh, dandy!
>     It has gone all dark round here and it is only 5:00 in the afternoon.
>I'll bet it is that damn Clive Warren sucking up all the sunshine again.=
>man is a menace.
>     Uncle Dick