[LargeFormat] Film holder question

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 2 19:43:15 2002

At 08:23 02/12/2002 -0800, Tourtelot wrote:
>Does anyone have a method for tightening the dark slide locks on Fidelity
>holders.  I have four or five holders where the locks spin so freely that I
>am concerned about yanking out a dark slide when I pull the holder out of
>the back.


If you are referring to the latest plastic holders, I am not a big fan of 
them. The older wooden holders always seem much more friendly on the 
business end and less inclined to make you grab the darkslide rather than 
the holder when removing from the camera.

If the loose locks problem is wear then you could remove the locks, fill 
the holes with small amounts of a two-pack resin and then drill 'em 
undersize enough to make the locks a good fit.

