[LargeFormat] sheet film developing

Ken Sinclair largeformat@f32.net
Sun Nov 24 13:30:01 2002

Dear Uncle Dick,

The Black and Decker dye-removal technique does work best for a cold-light
head printing rather than a point-light source.

I, however, have found that (with my 25 y-o Durst L1000 condenser unit) a
five minute presoak in 1:1 Javex is a more effective and efficient method.

The added benefit is a wonderful reduction in B+F,  along with an decrease
in both printing times for maximum print black density, and scratches on
the film... coupled with no darkroom dust to contaminate film surfaces on
re-loading in the dark..

>    Thanks for the dye-removal idea. I will try this - Up to now I have been
>sanding it off with a Black and Decker and the darkroom is becoming dusty. I
>still think it is a plot.
>    Uncle Dick
