[LargeFormat] new portrait lens to my managerie

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Fri Oct 25 16:12:27 2002


The above is a link to an unabashedly unartful photograph of my now large 
collection of portrait lenses.
 From left to right
Graphic Miniature Speed Graphic with a 101 Ektar
B&L 3A Portrait f4 16" f4,
B&L Portrait Unar  14 7/8" f4.5

In the second photo I added for scale:
Wollensak Velo II 12"
Cooke  Portrait Series II 10.5" f5.6
Voigtlander Dag lens circa 1842
the three lenses on top of the Unar is my traveling Protar C set.

Now the 3A currently uses a radical system of small apetures of random 
size and shape and a very special interior "soft coating" to the lens to 
give portaits a softness not found in any other lens. Blooming maybe, but 
not bloom. see below.