[LargeFormat] demand for 3x4 film?

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Fri Oct 18 08:26:03 2002

At 6:54 pm -0700 17/10/02, Les Newcomer wrote:
>I've written to Begger and Ilford, so far no response.  Much like this thread.
>Considering the last time I talked to Kodak (before their new 
>coating alley) they had a minimum of $8000 for anything,  I didn't 
>even try.
huge snip


There is an alternative - try MACO in Germany. They will cut to 
almost any size given enough notice/quantity.

There is also Forte to consider.... All the links are on the f32.net 
links page at http://www.f32.net/links.html

Freestyle (US) and Silverprint (UK) are also possibilities and offer 
a whole range of different film stocks. Registered f32 Photographers 
can obtain a 5% discount at SilverPrint for most items. See the 
SilverPrint Associates page at 

