[LargeFormat] Coverage of G-Claron 210 f9 for 8x10

Tim Atherton largeformat@f32.net
Sun Oct 13 00:08:09 2002


To answer a question asked on here a while ago, which got a wide variation
in responses, I have completed my testing of how much coverage the Schneider
G-Claron 210mm f9 lens gives for 8x10, with a lens kindly lent to me (cross
border) by list member Frank Filippone.

This was tested on my Deardorff focussed at infinity. Testing was not
terribly extensive and was based on seeing if the lens had enough movements
for the urban/suburban landscapes I'm doing.

Anyway, I found the lens does cover 8x10 with some movements, and it meets
my own needs. I have since bought myself a nice one in shutter on ebay for
$245.00 - so a good budget 8x10 wide angle if you don't need stacks of

Coverage was as follows, give or take 1/8" or so:

f22 - 1/2" Rise/fall

f32 - 1 1/4" Rise/Fall

f45 - no vignetting at 1 3/4"

All of which is pretty much as much as I need for what I'm shooting,
especially as I use f45 or slightly smaller most of the time.
