[LargeFormat] Bellows

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Fri Sep 20 11:20:02 2002

At 09:44 AM 9/20/2002 +0100, lostcat wrote:
> >
>I asked to linhof dealer in Paris France, but they are very expensive and
>not sure to sell me a appropriate size bellow for my technica III.
>Perhaps others know of a good European bellows maker.

Gee... with the Chunnel between France and England, how difficult would it 
be to go to


Camera Bellows
Units 3 - 5
St Paul's Road
Balsall Heath
Birmingham B12 8NG
United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 (0) 121 440 1695
Fax: + 44 (0) 121 440 0972
Email: salescb@camerabellows.com

in England. If you don't want to drive or ride the train, call them. I mean 
they are right next door to France. Since you are e-mailing this list with 
your question, why not e-mail them with the same question??? These people 
make bellows for cameras. I think that is what you want.
