[LargeFormat] plastigmat lens

jrobert grubbs largeformat@f32.net
Wed Aug 21 20:11:04 2002

Mr. Warren, I have a copy from the B&L catalog that list the plastigmat
lenses available. It's my understanding that these were made as early as
1900. If I recall, the front and rear elements were each made of 4 glass
elements cemented together. They were like anastigmats in that either
the front or rear elements could be used separately. The plastigmat I am
interested in was code named by B&L by the name "Plastpox". This
particular lens was 4 inches in diameter (unmounted) and had a focal
length (both lens elements) of 26 inches (52 inch fl for individual
elements).  I'm interested because of research on an 11 ft. x 6 ft. x 5
ft. camera that was used to make 1.33 times life size negatives, from
which large contact prints (5 ft. x 30 in.) were then made. If you have
any information about the existence of this lens, I'd be glad to hear of


Charles (Huntsville, AL)