[LargeFormat] Film Holder Testing

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jun 15 21:39:40 2002

At 2:38 am +0100 16/6/02, Clive Warren wrote:
>At 7:17 pm -0600 15/6/02, Marco Milazzo wrote:
>>Ye Gurus:
>>A question:   How can I verify that my film holders are light-safe?  I
>>suspect one or two (of many) may be compromised, but I'm not sure which.  Is
>>there a simple way -- enlarging paper, for instance?
>Now as to the film holder problem, you have the right idea - but you 
>will have to find paper thin enough to fit in the holders and cut it 
>to size.
>Otherwise find some out of date B&W film, load the holders and stick 
>'em in the light, turning to do both sides and add seasoning to 
>taste - a lot easier!

You may also want to test the light seals around the darkslide by 
placing the loaded holders in the camera - with lens board and lens 
attached but closed - remove the dark slides and put the camera in 
the light.
