[LargeFormat] Diverse Interests

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jun 15 00:34:21 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Lawrence" <robert@fivebyfour.com>
To: <largeformat@f32.net>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [LargeFormat] Diverse Interests

| Brock Nanson wrote:
| > But I think HF would be more useful than LF ;-)
| Yup .. the double LF was very tongue in cheek!

I figured that... but who knows, if bigger is better, maybe there are
several on here who think 160m is the only way to go ;-)  Wouldn't want to
wait for the propagation conditions to allow a world-wide sked on that band!
Or maybe the 'bigger' would refer to power... I use 4x5 so 100 watts is
fine, those 8x10 guys need a kilowatt and the 11x14 and larger folks are
just pushing the patience of the radio inspectors ;-)  (With that power
consumption, do you have a grow op going in there or are you just working a
lot of DX?)

| > Who at the workshop are included in your '70%'?
| Can't remember all the individual callsigns but they're sure to be on net
| I'm sure will call in,  even Clive admitted to being an SWL (but as you
| expect his chosen equipment was only slightly more modern than a cat's
| whisker <G>)! But we did have a Kilo 7 ... Round to you Jon, you there
| over.

Yes, I can see that somehow... haunting ebay for old glass, both lenses and
tubes... It really would be an interesting psychology study to see why so
many of us have these common interests...  (Anyone working with Linux?)
