[LargeFormat] Cooke Optics want your suggestions!

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jun 14 17:39:47 2002

At 5:32 pm +0100 14/6/02, Clive Warren wrote:
>For those of you who do not subscribe to the f32.net Discussion 
>Forum, thought you may be interested in responding to a post from 
>Cooke Optics requesting suggestions as to the next large format lens 
>they should manufacture following the new Cooke Portrait PS945 soft 
>focus lens that was announced recently.
>Cooke made some excellent lenses but stopped manufacturing large 
>format lenses many years ago. Well they're back!

Barbara Lowry from Cooke Optics has contacted me to say that the 
company are now deciding which lenses to produce.

Two popular requests are:

1. The Series XV Triple Convertible
2. A wide angle lens akin to the Cooke Series VIIB with 100 degree image circle

The engineers have to work out whether the production would be cost 
effective, but they are open to all suggestions at the moment.

You can find the discussion at 
http://www.f32.net/cgi-local/discus/show.cgi?6/318 - Barbara is 
monitoring the topic for any suggestions. So you have a chance to 
influence the company decisions - go for it!
