[LargeFormat] Calling CQ, CQ, CQ...

Wilkes, Don MSER:EX largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jun 14 17:35:02 2002

> Yes, you can add me... VA7AV.  Was VE7DLC since '78 but 
> finally made the 
> list for a two letter call about a year or so ago.

Hi, Brock:

Shouldn't that be VE7AV?  My Dad was a long-time Ham, (going back to the
'20s I think) and always had a two-letter call, his last being VE7ZO.  

I didn't know the ARRL would let you switch.  Is it a long wait?

Hmmm. As to the connection between LF & radio, could it be love of tinkering
with technology toys?  Maybe it's the analogue thing. And, 4x5 contacts
would make swell QSL cards!


P.S.  There's a new movie coming out by Roman (son-of-Francis) Coppola,
called "CQ"! I don't think it involves radio, though }: