[LargeFormat] Slot Canyons

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jun 8 12:49:26 2002

At 8:03 pm -0700 4/6/02, Karl Wolz wrote:
>'Tis good, however, to at least go through the motions and exercise one's
>shutter; leaving out the film makes for much more economical photography!
>Perhaps we've figured out why you've only taken one photograph that you're
>truly happy with.
>BTW, next time you're out, I'd be honored to accompany you to the canyons,
>having never been there myself.  Seems any time that there's a show here,
>slot canyons are de rigeur - and they still win awards; dammit.


My secret is now out.....

We very nearly met up on my last trip - I ended up in your neck of 
the woods during a working day for you so decided to press on to 
Sedona and the Cottonwoods. I hadn't spoken to anyone other than a 
desert rat for a week or so, covered in desert dust and many days 
beard growth - when entering gas stations I'm sure I could hear the 
sound of a pump action being shuffled.

I have a number of those "secret" canyons marked on a map somewhere 
so when my travels take me back to Arizona I'll give you a call and 
we can fill our shutters with some of that fine canyon dust.
