[LargeFormat] Camaraderie

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jun 5 17:26:18 2002

At 5:56 am -0700 4/6/02, Kent Gibbs wrote:
>Ditto. And lets not forget Jack Hillers, and Timothy O'Sullivan. Their
>work in the Tetons and the southwest after the American civil war is
>amazing. I can't imagine having to haul all that equipment over trails
>that mules had trouble with.
>See links below

Thanks for that Kent - one of the places photographed by O'Sullivam 
is the Canyon de Chelle in New Mexico. I visited this place after 
driving through some extremely inhospitable desert areas. It was a 
long drive and the roads were empty. I drove around some vantage 
points around the rim of the canyon but the whole time the place just 
didn't feel right to me so I took no photos. After about an hour I 
headed out towards Flagstaff and that feeling of dread stayed with me 
until I hit the Highway. I found a road house in Flagstaff and felt 
under dressed despite a large black hat bootlace tie and desert 
attire. The dancing was a real eye opener though......

