[LargeFormat] Re: Admiration

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jun 4 21:13:24 2002

At 5:54 pm -0700 4/6/02, Karl Wolz wrote:
>This group of merry souls will maintain my respect so long as no one will
>admit to having shot the slot canyons in northern Arizona.

What about people who wanted to but getting out of the car in a mall 
car park in Page Arizona melted the Brits and made them get back in, 
turn the AC up full and drive pedal to the metal back over the dam 
and into the Utah mountains?

I still want to experience that flash flood paranoia and sand in your 
eyes and the camera from looking up. As I never have film in the 
camera (thanks Robert!) there would have been little danger of taking 
any slot canyon shots.......
