[LargeFormat] Ansel Adams at 100

largeformat@f32.net largeformat@f32.net
Fri May 31 00:18:56 2002

Hi All,

Well, I finally got my butt into Chicago to see the exhibit. It was well 
worth the trip traffic parking and such. I don't go downtown often as you 
might have guessed. In any case there was some amazing prints there.  I was 
surprised to see some that appear to be 4x5 contacts. Perhaps they are not 
I'm not sure. It was also interesting to see some of the same print printed 
at different times of his life this way seeing how his vision changed. The 
large prints of Yosemite were as you can imagine very impressive. All and all 
it made me want to go into debt for an 8x10 camera. I know sounds silly but 
true.  At the same time it made me feel that I should just sell it all as I'm 
not sure I'll ever get that kind of results. I know he didn't have great 
shots all the time but when he did. I suppose I'll just keep plugging along. 

Greg Orlando