[LargeFormat] Protar Sets

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Tue May 28 21:10:38 2002

At 8:41 pm -0400 28/5/02, Les Newcomer wrote:
>Clive and I follow the same path,
>And Clive, you'd better be looking for a looonnng Protar set for that Korona
>or it'll be a waste of bellows!   Actually a long landscape lens would work
>fine since the camera shake would lessen any benefit of the sharpness of the
>protar  ;-)


I'm used to waiting for the right moment to take the shot - stood on 
top of a mountain for 2 hours waiting for a shaft of sunlight on Zion 
one May.... even the Korona would have settled down by then. That was 
the occasion that my tent was nearly washed away with torrential rain 
- headed out of Zion with pedal to the metal and kept ahead of the 
storm. There was me thinking that you always  need to carry water 
with you in those parts........

Protars - how the hell do you focus at f18 - and "carefully" is not an answer.

Am holding out for a main Protar lens in shutter but may give in and 
go for a set with the country shutter approach that you have 
suggested on a number of occasions. It would be good to use that 8x10 
Korona Compact sometime this century.

There seem to have been plenty of Protars made for different formats 
and it's not always easy to determine the focal length when you are 
several thousand miles away from the chap selling the lens.  My main 
concern is that the Protars might not be up to producing shots that 
can be enlarged.

BTW I did use the country shutter with the Bausch and Lomb 15 1/2" 
portrait lens and open flash in the studio just before the workshop. 
Worked a treat but Robert seemed to be shaking his head whilst 
leaning on his Sinar P2 ;-)
