[LargeFormat] 4x5 tank E6 processing

Robert Lawrence largeformat@f32.net
Tue May 28 03:05:13 2002

mark blackman wrote:

> On a slightly related matter, has anyone tried the E6 process in a 4x5
> daylight tank? I assume the high temperature can be maintained with a metal
> sink of warm water? Do you use the 3 or 6 step process - which chemicals?

I used to use a Nova processor which is a water bath with a hole for a
Combi-plan tank and three one litre bottles of chemical attached to a
thermostatically controlled heater using Tetenal 3 bath E6. Had great results.

Haven't used it since installing the Jobo ATL machine.

You are welcome to the loan of it if you want to give it a try. Email me
