[LargeFormat] Shen Hao's Yer Father

philip.lambert largeformat@f32.net
Fri May 24 14:47:25 2002

Dear Uncle Dick, I am grateful for your recent letter and thank you for the
five shilling postal order. In reply I have given advice on the points in
your letter below

>         I have measured the bellows draw and it will go as short as 120mm
How big is the lensboard?  No doubt you could make a recessed one (out of a
bucket) to ease the bellows but what wideangle lens is on the market to
cover the full format? Hypergon?   Lighthouse?  AntiAircraft projector
condenser?(try it as lighting)

> period studio lighting. Yes, I know I have strobes at present,> but this
is vintage stuff, folks. I need to light it as per original to get
> that 20's look. All advice gratefully received.

What about flash powder or Kissling flash cartridges?  Or magnesium ribbon,
difficult to get to light with matches but a gas brenner would do it.   Or

>      Also advice on suitable attire for the artist. Were velvet smocks and
> berets favoured in the period studio or is it to be the 3-piece suit and
> spats?

I refer you to my earlier posts concerning grey woolly jumpers..........
Your respectful nephew Philip