[LargeFormat] Looking for Tiktok

Pete Caluori largeformat@f32.net
Tue May 21 20:01:55 2002

From: "Guion, William" <William_Guion@ctb.com>

Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 15:42:27 -0700

Dear Largeformat folk - I'm looking for a Zone VI tiktok compensating timer 
- they're no longer sold by Calumet and I foolishly let my old one go when I 
sold one of my enlargers earlier this year.  Does anyone know where I could 
purchase one?  Thanks, Bill Guion


I'm not familiar with the Zone VI timer, but it sounds a lot like a 
metronome.  If that's what it is, you can find them in music stores as well 
as some electronics stores.  In the US, I believe Radio Shack carries them.

Good Luck

Regards, Pete

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